
Warriors for Change – Alison Overeem

  • Warriors for Change – Alison Overeem image

Alison Overeem is a proud Palawa woman from South-East Tasmania who is driven by culture, family, empowerment and creating safe spaces to build hope and dignity. 

Alison is passionate about raising awareness of Aboriginal culture and history and the rights of women in society and has been a member of the Tasmanian Women’s Council since 2015.  

In 2013, Alison was appointed as the Leprena Centre Manager, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC Tasmania). Alison is also a Member of the UnitingCare Australia Board. 

Each year we uphold, celebrate, and honor the contributions of those who have come before us.  

As we reflect, celebrate, and mark these occasions, we are all called to be brave warriors and stand up for change and a better future for everyone. 

We are all called to action! 

Eddie Mabo didn’t give up and all First Peoples and second Peoples can change the future as we walk together in partnership. 

We can all be warriors for justice and change for First Peoples. 

We want to start a new chapter with the community and the government and collaborate and co-design everything that is important to us.  

We want to uphold the principles of the Uluru Statement and change the system to reflect us, our culture and our sovereignty as the First Peoples in Australia.  

We seek a National Housing strategy to address the housing crises that many of our people experience daily which contributes to poor outcomes in health, education, employment, family violence, and entry into the penal system.  

We want the Cashless Debit Card to be scrapped because it causes feelings of disempowerment and unfairness to those on the scheme and has caused significant harm to them. We want the truth to be told and systems to be changed, so that our culture and our history is embedded into every part of our society including policy, governance, workforce management and development, service delivery, education, advocacy and ministry.  

And so, we ask the incoming government to right the wrongs of the past and recognise our sovereignty through a National Voice to Parliament. 

Because we are all warriors for change. 

My reflections – Reconciliation Week 2022 

These narratives. This courage
Sits at the Takila of who we are as a Uniting Church of Australia 
Just sharing with you mob 
What will we change?
What needs changing?
How will we be warriors and disciples of change?
Although I’m in sorry time, the creator calls me to share this 
Yes we should open with acknowledging country place and space but we should close our meetings , worship , liturgy calling to action as well go into the spaces where change can happen  

Something like 

Praise be to the creator god 
Thanks be to the UAICC 
May we know the narrative 
May we grow in the knowing 
May we knowingly be warriors of change  

hope this helps or sparks a flame 
Maybe our walking together group and first people’s group can have a call phrase after the name …?
Walking together – in the knowing, growing and call to change 
Walking together to BE the covenant 
Your Palawa nawnta / sister 
All these national themes are calling us to act.