
Submission to the ‘Implementing Care Reform’ inquiry

  • Submission to the ‘Implementing Care Reform’ inquiry image

Our submission to the Implementing Care Reform Inquiry represents the views and concerns of our aged care providers network. The Inquiry asked for submissions on three specific topics;

  • Nurses in aged care homes 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Pricing schedules for home care package services
  • New quarterly reporting on aged care service provision.

In our submission, we have suggested the aged care sector and the government plan a co-designed approach to ensure there is an adequate pool of Registered Nurses available, with wages equal to what can be earned in hospitals.

We are also keen to ensure that Home Care Packages are adequately resourced to meet aged care standards and the additional costs of delivery outside metropolitan and urban areas.  We are supportive of better, more transparent reporting, but note the extra administrative cost of implementation. We have suggested that reporting be as efficient as possible, and that the Government monitor the cost of putting the new reporting in place.

You can read our submission here.