Media Release

It’s time for everybody in Australia to have a home

In a joint letter to the Prime Minister, coordinated by the Everybody’s Home campaign, UnitingCare Australia has joined more than 300 organisations to call for significant Commonwealth investment in social housing. 


Dear Prime Minister,

It’s time for every Australian to have a home

I am writing to you on behalf of more than 300 Australian organisations spanning the community, housing, local government, union and corporate sectors.

We write to call on you to commit to significant new investment to reduce homelessness and create construction jobs.

Australia is in the midst of an economic crisis which threatens the livelihood and well-being of over one million Australians.

Before COVID-19, 116,000 Australians were homeless every night. The impact of the global pandemic will exacerbate this, placing stress on the one in three Australians who rent.

Australia’s recession has already seen thousands of jobs lost in the construction industry, with thousands more jobs projected to go in coming months.

Investment in social housing will create the long-term pipeline of projects and construction- jobs needed in local communities as they rebuild after this pandemic.

Building 30,000 social housing properties over four years will create more than 18,000 construction related jobs a year for our building sector.

It will also keep 30,000 Australian families housed at a time when they face significant upheaval.

Federal governments have intervened during earlier times of crisis.

The post 2nd World War public housing boom was the result of bipartisan support for a national building program that helped lead Australia’s economic recovery and keep its citizens housed.

Federal social housing investment after Cyclone Tracy and the Global Financial Crisis was also instrumental in helping our communities and local economies rebuild.

Housing is a fundamental need and our national response must rise above state boundaries or party politics. From Chifley and Menzies to Whitlam and Fraser housing programs worked because they were driven by national leadership. This tradition must be honored.

We urge the Federal Government to lead a social investment program to ensure we keep Australians housed and our construction industry building.

Yours faithfully,

Kate Colvin, National Spokesperson, Everybody’s Home Campaign



Baptist Care NT
Calvary Youth Services Mandurah Inc
Community Housing Industry Association (ACT Regional Committee)
Family Access Network
Flat Out Inc
Gippsland Homelessness Network
GOPIO Canberra chapter
Mentis Assist
Mornington Community Information and Support Centre
Mount Isa Family Support Service & Neighbourhood Centre Inc
Northern Integrated Family Violence Services Partnership
Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council
Orange Uniting Church
Roseberry QLD
Safe Futures Foundation
Safe Place Homes
Sharehouse Youth Programs Inc
Shelter Housing Action Cairns
Sistas Community Cares
Soroptimist International of Bunbury
Soroptimist International of Canning District
Soroptimist International of Helena
Soroptimist International Joondalup
St Vincent de Paul Canberra/Goulbourn
St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland Housing
St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria
Strong Nation Community
Sunbury Community Health
Ted Noffs Foundation
Tobwabba Aboriginal Medical Service
Victim Survivor Advisory Council
Wayside Chapel
Youth Involvement Council