Media Release

A budget of hope – but not for all

UnitingCare Australia commends the Government’s commitment to creating jobs and the unprecedented recovery efforts in tonight’s budget. Yet, despite record spending and investment, millions of Australians are still at risk of deepening disadvantage.

“We are disappointed that the Government has not taken this moment to raise the base rate of JobSeeker and provide confidence and hope for millions of Australians facing poverty and a very bleak Christmas” said National Director, Ms Claerwen Little.

“This budget is also a missed opportunity to invest in social housing and ensure that everyone has shelter in the storm of this recession.

“Despite some measures to support Closing the Gap and specific health measures, overall our First Peoples have been neglected.

“We welcome the Government’s commitment to job creation and supports, especially for young people, but there is still an opportunity to invest in essential caring roles and social infrastructure. New research indicates that job creation in the care economy is five times greater than construction,” Ms Little said.

“The 23,000 additional home care packages announced tonight do very little to address the urgent needs of older people still waiting for the right level of support at home. Older Australians were hoping for much more and the aged care sector will need to wait until the next budget for its much needed investment.

“On the journey to recovery, everyone needs hope, and unfortunately, this budget does not deliver that hope for everyone.”