Aged Care Quality Standards
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input to the draft of the Revised Aged Care Quality Standards including the expectation statements for older people, intent and enforceable outcomes included under each standard. We appreciate the considerable effort undertaken by…
Building, Training, and Supporting the Aged Care Workforce Roundtable Follow-up
Key Issues Ongoing inadequate resourcing is the overwhelming and driving challenge in Australian aged care The aged care sector is in intertwined funding and workforce crises. UnitingCare Australia recognises and commends the Government’s prioritisation of aged care reform and the…
The Value of Care – Employment White Paper
Background UnitingCare Australia is one of the most influential social services advocacy organisations in the country. We are the national body for the Uniting Church’s community services network, the largest national network providing more than $5 billion in support to…
ParentsNext – Workforce Australia Committee
UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to contribute to this Workforce Australia Committee Inquiry with a focus on the ParentsNext program. UnitingCare Australia’s Network delivers the ParentsNext program in multiple locations across multiple States. Participants in our ParentsNext delivery network overwhelmingly…
A New Program for In-Home Aged Care – Discussion Paper Feedback
UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the discussion paper on a new program for In-Home Aged Care. UnitingCare Australia recognises and applauds the Government’s prioritisation of aged care reform and the consultative footing it has taken on…
Senate Inquiry into the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People 2022
UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Senate inquiry on the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) conducted by the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. This submission has been…
October 2022 Pre-Budget Submission
UnitingCare Australia acknowledges that there is no formal pre-budget submission process for the October 2022 Budget but appreciates the opportunity to provide our views as contained in this letter. UnitingCare Australia has three policy priority areas: addressing economic inequality, justice…
A new model for regulating Aged Care – Feedback on Consultation Paper No.1
UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the first consultation paper on a new model for regulating Aged Care. UnitingCare Australia recognises and applauds the Government’s prioritisation of aged care reform and the consultative footing it has taken…
Towards an Aged Care Pricing Framework
UnitingCare Australia Submission on the Aged Care Pricing Framework Consultation Paper UnitingCare Australia believes that Australians deserve quality care and support to ensure they can live to their full potential with dignity. We support the recommendations from the Aged Care…
Household Financial Stress and Financial Wellbeing in Australia
UnitingCare Australia and the Australian National University Centre for Social Research and Methods have released new research that provides a more comprehensive measure of financial wellbeing in Australian households. The Household Financial Stress and Financial Wellbeing in Australia report uses…
ACNC’s Public Consultation on Updated Commissioner’s Interpretation Statements
Introduction This submission has been prepared with the assistance of MinterEllison in consultation with UnitingCare Australia and organisations within the UnitingCare network. Submission 1 Purpose 1.1 The updated draft Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement: Public Benevolent Institutions (Draft PBI CIS) states that…
Inquiry into the provisions of the Aged Care Amendment (Implementing Care Reform) Bill 2022
UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee’s Inquiry into the provisions of the Aged Care Amendment (Implementing Care Reform) Bill 2022. UnitingCare Australia recognises and applauds the Government’s prioritisation of aged care reform…