
Reforming the Aged Care System to Ensure Equity and Sustainability

Submission to ACCPA’s White Paper into the Financial Sustainability of the Aged Care Sector UnitingCare Australia, one of the largest networks of social service providers in the country, acknowledges the need for urgent reform of our aged care system.  We…

Independent Review of Overseas Health Practitioner Settings

Introduction UnitingCare Australia welcomes the release of the Independent Review of Overseas Health Practitioner Settings – Interim Report and the recommendations endorsed by National Cabinet towards addressing the workforce challenges currently impacting the Health Care and Social Assistance sector. The…

Productivity Commission’s Philanthropy Inquiry

Introduction UnitingCare Australia welcomes this opportunity to contribute to the Productivity Commission’s review into philanthropy in Australia. This submission will focus primarily on matters of principle regarding the role and effect of philanthropy in supporting charities working with vulnerable people…

Submission to the Senate Select Committee Inquiry on Cost of Living

Introduction UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit to the Senate Select Committee on Cost of Living’s Inquiry, acknowledging the timeliness of this process as Australians increasingly feel the impacts of rising cost of living pressures. Today, one in four…

Measuring what Matters

Introduction UnitingCare Australia commends the Government on measuring what matters through a national wellbeing framework and we welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation process. As an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia, UnitingCare Australia seeks “… to…

The Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia

Introduction UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to submit to the Committee for Community Affairs inquiry into The Extent and Nature of Poverty in Australia and commends the Committee for undertaking this vital inquiry. The persistence of poverty in Australia, and…

Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper Response

Introduction UnitingCare Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Jobs and Skills Australia Discussion Paper. Establishing Jobs and Skills Australia as an independent body to provide advice to government on the skilling and training needs of workers and employers…

2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission – Funding What Matters

The Backstory Prioritising wellbeing is essential. Better wellbeing is crucial to a better future for all Australians. A healthy society and environment, supported by a strong economy, creates the best opportunity for people to live a full, happy life. Putting…

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)

Options Paper Consultation Recommendations Buy Now Pay Later products should be regulated in full alignment with the Credit Act. Consideration should be given to the responsibilities of merchants offering Buy Now Pay Later Products. A self-exclusion procedure should be available…