
We maintain bipartisan working relationships across all political parties and with key politicians, public servants and thought leaders at the national level.

Justice for First Peoples

The experience of Australia’s First Peoples is one of survival, strength, resilience, and determination for a different future. Yet, the historical and social effects of racism and dispossession have led to disproportionate disadvantage across a range of measures.

Ageing to our Full Potential

We advocate for a future-proofed aged care system that meets the needs of all, enabling the flexibility of services to adapt and evolve to change. In particular, our focus is on health, disability, and social supports that are accessible to all people regardless of their age and personal situation, to enable each of us to age to our full potential.

Economic Equality and Inclusion

We believe all people should have the means and opportunities to participate socially and economically and to live with dignity and thrive, but issues such as economic inequality mean this isn’t always the case.

Disability Royal Commission

We believe people living with disability should feel included, supported, and have their human rights respected. We work alongside people with disability and their families and advocates to assist in envisioning and realising a society where disability is no barrier to participation.

A Just Australia

At UnitingCare Australia, we are committed to acting justly and compassionately in all that we do, and strive to help shape a nation where each person can flourish and enjoy abundant life.