Our church

In 2016, more than 870,000 people identified themselves as having an affiliation with the Uniting Church.

The Uniting Church in Australia was formed on June 22, 1977, as a union of three churches: the Congregational Union of Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia and the Presbyterian Church of Australia. It is the third largest Christian denomination in Australia and the first church to be created in Australia.


To learn more, visit the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly’s website

How we work together

The Uniting Church is organised by a series of inter-related councils: congregations, presbyteries, synods, and the national Assembly. Decisions are usually made by consensus. Each council has its distinct tasks, and each council recognises the limit of its responsibilities. Find out more about each council below:

The local expression of faith. This can look like many different things – from meeting each Sunday in a church building, to café-style churches, groups who worship on Wednesdays rather than Sundays, or who minister across a region rather than a local area. Each Congregation has an elected Church Council to provide governance at a local level.

State-based councils represented by a Moderator and General Secretary. Six synods are responsible for overall support and resourcing of the church in their area.

Regional councils which have oversight of congregations, ministry and programs. Presbytery meetings involve ordained ministers, lay pastors and elected lay persons from every congregation.

The national council of the Uniting Church in Australia, led by both the President and General Secretary. The Assembly promotes the Church’s mission and has responsibility in matters of doctrine and worship, government, and discipline, establishes standards of theological training and the admission of ministers from other Christian traditions. UnitingCare Australia sits as part of the Assembly, as the national body for the community services network. UnitingCare Australia has a mandate to advocate with the Church, to Government and the broader community on policies and practices which enhance the dignity of people, especially our most vulnerable. Together with the Church, we work towards a community in which every person meets their full potential.




Other Agencies of the Assembly

UCA Redress

The National Redress Scheme has been established to respond to, and provide support for, children and vulnerable persons who have suffered abuse at the hands of the Uniting Church or its institutions, including by participation in a nationally consistent equitable redress scheme.

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Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC)

The Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress consists of Aboriginal and Islander members of the Uniting Church in Australia. They seek to fulfil their calling as Christians among their own people, especially in the area of holistic community development.

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Frontier Services

Frontier Services is the welcome visitor, the friend, the counsellor, and advocate for the people of remote Australia. Their Volunteer Program connects skilled volunteers with people in rural Australia who are in need and could use a helping hand.

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Uniting World

UnitingWorld is the international aid and partnerships agency of the Uniting Church in Australia.
They collaborate with the global church to address the causes and consequences of poverty, injustice and violence.

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